
Stalker xr_3da crash
Stalker xr_3da crash

Speeding Up Loading Times/Reducing Stuttering The next time you go to launch STALKER using this icon, it will quickly open at the main menu. Shadow of Chernobyl\bin\XR_3DA.exe" -nointro Your Target box contents should look similar to this: Then in the Target box, one blank space after the last character, insert the -nointro switch and click OK. If you find that the introductory movies/logos which play at STALKER's startup are annoying, you can skip them completely by going to your STALKER launch icon, right-clicking on it and selecting Properties. Finally, remember that you can adjust the difficulty on the fly, so check your game difficulty and if things are too tough, lower it temporarily.Īlthough this has already been covered in the Advanced Tweaking section, I'll spell it out again as it is a very useful tweak. You can also use this Full Map of The Zone with all major areas displayed. If you get stuck and aren't sure where to go or what to do, you can check the STALKER Gamespot Guide.

  • You can shoot the smaller white metal cases near buildings and camps, and they'll break open to reveal items you can use.
  • stalker xr_3da crash

    For even more accuracy crouch (LEFT CTRL) and use the iron-sights (Right Mouse button) at the same time as using single-shot mode. For greater accuracy with automatic weapons over a distance, use the 0 and 9 keys to switch between rapid and single-shot mode.You can Quicksave and Quickload at any time by using F6 and F7 respectively.

    stalker xr_3da crash

    First-time players often don't realise that at any time you can access Binoculars by pressing 5, Bolts (for discharging electrical anomalies) by pressing 6, and activate Artifact features by pressing 7.For the basics, be sure to read the game manual which can be found in electronic format under your \Program Files\THQ\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. For those of you simply having problems getting used to the rather brutal and sometimes confusing world of The Zone, here are some resources and tips you may find useful.

    Stalker xr_3da crash